Archivo de DOOM

Killing Field : Doom へのインタビュー

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on agosto 15, 2015 by lavieenrosenfeld



Fujita : 情報社会の発展にただ驚くばかりです。こうやって世界の各国で、自分達の事を知ってもらえるという事はありがたいです。


Fujita : 私には年が8歳離れた姉がいるのですが、音楽や様々なカルチャーにおいて姉からの影響が強いです。若い時に姉に連れられ「Grand Funk Railroad」、「New York Dolls」、「Jeff Beck」などを観た時の衝撃は今でも忘れられません。


3)どのように» Doom» は作られましたか?また、メンバーとはどのようにして出会いましたか?

Fujita : 知人から連絡があり、「諸田の在籍していたZADKIELが解散するので、一緒にバンドをや




Fujita : 簡単で覚えやすく、意味深い言葉としてDOOMという単語を選びました。

5)jurassic jadeやshellshockのような他のexplosion records bandからどんな思い出がありますか?

Fujita : 当時のバンドは個々に感性に優れ、JURASSIC JADE、SHELLSHOCK、CASBAH、UNITEDなどオリジナリティ溢れるバンドが多く存在していました。


6)何年まで、explosion recordsで働いていましたか?
Fujita : 「KILLING FIELD…」以前、メジャーレーベルと契約するまでは働いていました。

7)パワフルなthrash metalシーンにおいて、CBGB’sを演奏する経験をどのように感じましたか?

Fujita : 自分達の事をTHRASH METAL BANDだとは思っていません。CBGB’sやロンドンのマーキーでプレイする事が目標のひとつでもあったので、CBGB’sで演奏したことは忘れられません。

8)Koh Morota の死以外に、Doom に終了をもたらした他の要因はありますか?


 Fujita : DOOMは3ピースの構成なので、ひとりでも欠けてしまうと演奏が出来なくなってしまう。これは3ピースのバンドの宿命だと思います。Guitar、Bass、Drumsの最小人数でのバンドだからこその面白さにこだわっています。


9)Doom が切り離されていた間、あなたの考えはどのようなものでしたか? また、他のメンバーとまだコンタクトをとっていますか?

Fujita : DOOMは結果的に活動が出来なくなっただけで、解散をしたことはありません。他のメンバーとは連絡を取り合っています。


Fujita : メンバーはGASTUNKのBAKIとDOOMと合体したものです。レーベルはインディペンデントレーベル「アルツハイマー」から1枚出しています。活動期間は2年程です。

11)Unit 3について、何か話してもらえますか?メンバーは誰ですか?レーベルは?どの期間活動していましたか?

Fujita : DOOMを始める前の、1980〜82 or 83まで活動していました。音源は残していません。StoogesやMC5などのアヴァンギャルドなロックを目指していました。

12)Mad Capsule marketsのバンドと一緒に活動していたのは何年ですか?
Fujita : アルバム「PARK」と「4 PLUGS」のレコーディングとツアーに参加していました。1994〜1997 or 1998くらいだと思います .

13)J (Luna Sea )のバンドのメンバーにどのようにしてなったのですか?あなたはまだ彼と活動していますか?
Fujita : Mad Capsule marketsやSOFT BALLETなどの活動を観て、リスペクトしてくれていたようです。現在も「Dessert Flame Frequency」というユニットで一緒に活動しています。


14)Blam honeyのメンバーにどのようにしてなったのですか?あなたは彼らとライブをしましたか?

Fujita : Blam honeyのメンバーにはなっていません。彼らのアルバムプロデュースをして、数回だけライブにも参加しました。

15)Blam honeyとの良い思い出がありますか?Tatsuyaの死についてきいていますか?

Fujita : アルバムの制作中のことやライブの時の良い思い出はたくさんあります。TATSUYAが亡くなった時は、マネージャーから連絡を頂きすぐ知りました。

16)Blam honeyが再び戻ってきたことを知っていますか?ryonaiとまたコンタクトをとっていますか?

Fujita : 特に連絡も取っていなかったので知りませんでした。


Fujita : 特にそういう風には思っていません。好きな音楽を演奏し、作品として残したりライブをしたかっただけです。

18)Skull Smashバンドについてどう思いますか?

Fujita : DOOMをトリビュートしてもらえるということは、単純に嬉しいです。

19)Doomのリターンのアイデアはどのようにしてうまれたのですか? それは、Yoko festの後、それとも前に計画されましたか?
Fujita : ここ5〜6年の間で、DOOM再始動の話は数多くありました。DOOMが活動中止以降、バンド仲間やスタッフ達が亡くなっていくのをそばでみていて、生きているうちに出来る事はやっておこう、生かされているのなら尚更と思い、現在に至ります。


20)Doomからの実際のメンバーは誰ですか?あなたのファンの一人がskull smashからのベーシストであると知っ

てどのように感じますか? 彼の中にmorotaのスピリットが見えますか?

Fujita : FUJITA(Guitar/Vocal)、PAZZ(Drums)、Kodaira(Bass)の3人です。BassのKodairaには諸田と同じものは求めていません。(比べる人もいるでしょうが)諸田との比較ではなく、ベーシストとしてのスピリットに期待しています。

Fujita : ブラジルのSEPULTURAは知っています。

22)新しいバンドのジェネレーションについては? あなたは新しいバンドが好きですか?

Fujita : いつも思うのですが、10年くらいで時代が一周しているような気がします。新しいバンドを聴いても、特に新しさを感じないことが多くなりました。


Fujita : 2015年夏にレコーディングを完了させて、来年アルバムを出す予定です。秋にはライブ活動を再開します。


Fujita : 遠く離れた南米チリからのインタビュー、ありがたく嬉しいです。今後、日本のみならずワールドワイドな活動がDOOMとして出来れば良いと思っています。one for all, we are real one.





Killing Field – Doom (JP) interview .

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on agosto 15, 2015 by lavieenrosenfeld




1) How do you feel Fujita san ,knowing a country such as Chile is interviewing you?

Fujita : The development of the information society is incredible thanks. From this way,many countries in the world can better understand many things.

2) Please describe yourself and include your musical influences as a youth along with,your favorite bands.

Fujita : I have a sister eight years older than me. I have a strong influence from her in my music and different cultures. She bring me to some live «Grand Funk Railroad» «New York Dolls» «Jeff Beck» many more These things can not be forgotten.


3) How was » Doom» formed and how did the members meet?

Fujita : I received contact from a friend of Morota, who was at Zadkiel, the band dissolved. That said, why not try to play with him? This causes as Doom was formed.


4)How did you come choose the band name and does it have a special meaning ?

Fujita : Because it was simple and easy to remember, Doom was chosen for the significance of the name .

5) Do you have memories with other Explosion Records bands like «Jurassic Jade» or «Shellshock» ?

Fujita :At the time the bands were higher in individual sensitivity. JURASSIC JADE, SHELLSHOCK, CASBAH, a lot of bands full of originality including existing UNITED.


6) How long were you with and when did you leave Explosion Records?

Fujita : Before Killing field we were working with them then came our contract with the major label.
7) What feelings did experience playing CBGB’s in a powerful thrash metal scene?

Fujita : We do not believe that us are a thrash metal band. I will not forget that we played at CBGB and Marquee in London. because those were our goals.


8) Were there other contributing factors other than the death of Koh Morota that brought the end of Doom»?

Fujita : DOOM is the construction of 3 members, so that when a person was away, a performance not to anything else. I think this is the fate of a band of 3 members. Because it is a small number of people in on guitar, bass and drums band, I think this is particularly funny.


9) What were your thoughts during the time Doom was separated and are you still in contact with the other members ?

Fujita : DOOM may not have been active but never separated. We always had contact with each other.

10) What can talk us about Quatergate ? Who’s are the members ? Label ? which’s were time activities ?

Fujita :Members are Baki from Gastunk and Doom. We launched a CD from 「Alzheimer」 independent label, we were active for two years.

11 ) What can talk us about Unit 3 ? Who’s are the members ? Label ? which’s were time activities  ?

Fujita : This was active around 1980-82 or 83 before Doom initiate efforts. We do not leave the source of our sound. We were like Avant garde rock like The Stooges or Mc5

12)What were the years that were working with the band Mad Capsule market?

Fujita : I participated in the recording of the album 「PARK」 and guest in 「4 PLUGS」 I think the recording period was between 1994 to 1997 or 1998.


13) How did you become a member of the band of J (Luna Sea ), you’re still working with him ?

Fujita :

He respects me since he saw me in Mad Capsule Markets activities and SOFT BALLET.

I’m playing with him in the band 「Dessert Flame Frequency」.



14) How did you become a member of Blam honey? You get to play live with them?

Fujita : I was not a member of Blam Honey, I produced their album and rarely participate with them in their presentations.

15) you have good memories with blam honey? You hear about the death of Tatsuya ?

Fujita : There are a lot of memories during the production of the album and the time that share us . When Tatsuya died the Manager informed to us .

16) Do you know what blam honey is back again? have you contact again with Ryonai?

Fujita : I dont know about it . I haven`t contact with them.

17) Do you think what Doom has done something that no other band has done ? What do you think by Skull Smash band ?

Fujita : I do not think that I just want to play our favorite songs, leave my work and play gigs. It’s great that there is a tribute to Doom.

18) How was born the idea of the return of Doom? This was planned before or after Yoko fest?

Fujita : In these 5 or 6 years I had many opportunities to restart the band of Doom. After we stopped our activities and faced many of my friend’s band died that made me think slowly I should do what I do in life. And I decided I should do now.



19) Who are the actually members from doom?How do you feel knowing that one of your fan is the bassist from skull smash, do you see the spirit of morota inside him?

Fujita : We are FUJITA(Guitar/Vocal)、PAZZ(Drums)、Kodaira(Bass), we are not looking at Morota,we hope from moraida it spirit as a bassits .

20) What do you know about Chile or South America?, any band you like it?

Fujita : I know Sepultura.

21) About the new band generation ? Do you like any new band ?

Fujita : Every time I think about terms of musical trends over the 10 years I hear new bands, but I do not feel new creativity from them .

22) Plans for this 2015?

Fujita : For the remainder of this year finished filming in the summer, we plan to release a new album next year. In the autumn we will resume live activities.

23) Thanks you very much Fujita , any message to finish our interview ?

Fujita : An interview from Chile very far the truth, I am grateful and happy. From now DOOM activities not only in Japan I will hopefully think this is the best. One for all, We are a real one.




Killing Field – Entrevista com Doom(jp)

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on agosto 15, 2015 by lavieenrosenfeld





1)Como se sente Fujita san sabendo que um pais como o Chile esta o entrevistando?

Fujita: O avanço da sociedade de informação é incrível obrigado.desse jeito vários países podem entender as coisas muito melhor.

2)Por favor faça uma descrição de si mesmo com suas influencias musicais na juventude, suas favoritas.

Fujita:eu tenho uma Irma oito anos mais velha que eu, ganhei uma grande influencia dela nas partes de musica e culturas diferentes.ela trouxe para minha vida ‘’Grand Funk Railroad’’ ‘’New York Dolls’’’’Jeff Beck’’ e várias outras coisas que não posso esquecer.


3)Como o ‘’Doom’’ foi criado e como os membros se conheceram?

Fujita:Eu recebi contato de um amigo meu de Morota que era do Zadkiel, a banda acabou e eu pensei ‘Por que não tocar com ele?’’foi assim que o Doom foi criado.

4)Como você chegou a escolher o nome da banda e como isso tem um significado especial?

Fujita: Por que era simples e fácil de lembrar, Doom foi escolhido pelo significado do nome.

5)Você tem alguma lembrança com outras bandas da Explosion Records como ‘’Jurassic Jade’’ ou ‘’ShellShock’’?

Fujita:Naquele tempo as bandas eram grandes e tinham o sentido de individualidade ‘’Jurassic Jade, ShellShock, Casbah’’ muitas bandas cheias de originalidade e existência de ‘’UNITED’’?

6)Quanto tempo você ficou e quando saiu da Explosion Records?

Fujita: Antes do Killing Field estávamos trabalhando com eles, mas logo surgiu proposta com um selo maior.

7)Quais foram os sentimentos na experiência de tocar na CBGB em uma poderosa cena de Thrash Metal?

Fujita: Não acreditamos que somos uma banda Thrash Metal, eu nunca vou esquecer a CBGB ou Marquee em Londres aqueles foram os nossos fortes.

8)Quais foram as outras fatores alem da morte de Koh Morota que trouxeram o fim do Doom?

Fujita:Doom é a construção de três membros, quando alguém não esta ali a performance não acontece, acho que esse é o destino de uma banda de três membros,porque é um numero pequeno de pessoas, uma banda de uma guitarra, um baixo e bateria eu acho isso particularmente engraçado.

9)Quais são seus pensamentos durante o período que o Doom esta separado você ainda mantem  contato com os outros membros?

Fujita:Doom  pode não estar ativo, mas esta separado, continuamos a ter contato.


10)O que você pode nos dizer sobre Quatergate? Quem são os membros?Selo? Quanto tempo ficou ativo?

Fujita:Membros são Baki do Gastunk e Doom, nós lançamos um CD(Alzheimer) de um selo independente, ficou ativo por dois anos.

11)O que pode nos dizer de Unit 3? Quem eram os membros? Selo? Quanto tempo foi ativo?

Fujita:foi ativo durante 80,82 ou 83 antes do Doom começar,não era um som relevante nós éramos como Avant Gard Rock como o Stooges ou o MC5.

12) Como eram os anos trabalhando com a banda Mad Capsule Market?

Fujita:Eu participei da gravação do álbum Park e fui convidado no 4 Plugs acho que o tempo de gravação foi entre 1994 á 1997 ou 1998.

13)Como você se tornou membro do J( Luna Sea)? Você ainda trabalha com ele?

Fujita: Ele me respeita desde que me viu no Mad Capsule Market e no Soft Ballet,estou tocando com ele na banda Dessert Flame Frequency .


14)Como você participou do Blam Honey? Você chegou a tocar ao vivo com eles?

Fujita: Eu não era um membro do Blam Honey, eu produzi o Album e raramente participei com eles em suas apresentações.

15)Você tem boas memórias com o Blam Honey?Soube da morte de Tatsuya?

Fujita: Tenho lembranças do tempo que gravamos o álbum e do tempo que compartilhamos juntos. Quando Tatsuya morreu o Manager nos informou.

16)Você soube que o Blam Honey esta de volta? Continua mantendo com Ryonai?

Fujita: Não sabia, não tenho contato com Ryonai.

17)Você acha que o Doom fez algo que nenhuma banda já fez igual? O que você acha da banda Skull Smash ?

Fujita:Eu não acho que só queira tocar minhas musicas favoritas e deixar meu trabalho para fazer shows, é bom saber que exista uma banda tributo do Doom.

18)Como nasceu a idéia do retorno do Doom? Isso foi planejado antes ou depois do Yoko Fest?

Fujita:nesses 5 ou 6 anos tivemos a oportunidade do retorno, antes de parar as atividades e encarar a morte de vários companheiros de banda meus, isso me fez ficar lento e procurar o que fosse para minha vida,e eu decidi fazer isso agora.


19)Como se sente com essa nova era do Doom?você acha que audiência continua a mesma?


20:Quem são os membros atuais do Doom?e como você se sente sabendo que o baixista é um grande fã da banda, membro do Skull Smash, você enxerga nele o espírito de Morota?

Fujita: os membros são eu Fujita(Guitarra e Vocal),Pazz(bateria) e Kodaira(Baixista) Não enxergamos o espirito de Morota o vemos como apenas o baixo.

21) o que você sabe do Chile ou a America do Sul? Alguma banda que você goste?

Fujita: Eu gosto de Sepultura.

22)e sobre a nova geração de bandas?você gosta de alguma nova banda?

Fujita:Todo tempo penso sobre as mudanças musicais durante esses 10 anos,eu escuto novas bandas, mas nelas não vejo nenhuma criatividade.

23)Quais os planos para 2015?

Fujita:para lembrar da passagem de ano filmando este verão planejo lançar um novo álbum próximo ano e junto vindo com alguns Shows.

24:Muito obrigado Fujita,alguma ultima mensagem?

Fujita:Uma entrevista do Chile é muito difícil de acreditar, estou agradecido e feliz, de agora em diante as atividades do Doom não somente no Japão espero o melhor,um por todos e juntos apenas um real.




Killing Field -Entrevista con Doom (JP) -.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on agosto 15, 2015 by lavieenrosenfeld





– Hola y Gracias por aceptar la entrevista Sr Fujita: Que se siente saber que lo entrevisten de Sud America y sobre todo en Chile ?

Fujita : El desarrollo de la información en la sociedad es increíble gracias . De esta forma muchos países en el mundo pueden conocer mejor muchas cosas .

– Qué podrías contarnos acerca de usted^?  cuáles fueron tus influencias musicales en su juventud y cuáles son tus bandas favoritas ?

Fujita : Tengo una hermana 8 años mayor que yo .

Tengo una fuerte influencia de ella en la música o diversas culturas  .

Ella me llevo a algunos live de «Grand funk railroad» «New york dolls» «Jeff Beck» muchos más

Estas cosas no pueden ser olvidadas .

– Cómo nació la banda Doom ? cómo conociste a los integrantes ?


Fujita :   Yo recibí el contacto de un amigo de  Zadkiel donde estuvo Morota  que se disolvió .


El  me dijo  : por qué no intentas tocar con el ?


Esto es la razón de como se formo Doom .


– Por qué eligieron el nombre Doom que significado tiene ?

Fujita : Porque era simple y fácil de recordar , se escogió Doom por lo significativo del nombre .



– Que recuerdos tienes de otras bandas de Explosion Records como Jurassic Jade, Shellshock entre otras?

Fujita : En ese entonces las bandas fueron superiores en sensibilidad individual .

JURASSIC JADE, SHELLSHOCK, CASBAH, un montón de bandas llenas de originalidad incluyendo el UNITED existente.



  • Hasta que año trabajaron con Explosion Records ?

Fujita : Antes de Killing field estuvimos trabajando con ellos después vino nuestro contrato con el major label .

– Qué se sintió tocar en el CBGB en 1988 frente a una potente escena Thrash?

Fujita : Nosotros no cremos que somos una banda de Thrash metal .

Yo no olvidare que tocamos en Cbgb y en Marquee en Londres . porque esos eran nuestros objetivos .


– La muerte de Koh Morota marco el fin de Doom ? o hubo algún otro motivo en especial ?

Fujita : DOOM es la construcción de 3 miembros , por lo que cuando una persona se ausentaba , una actuación no se hacia nada más. Creo que este es el destino de una banda de 3 miembros . Debido a que es una banda pequeña en el numero de personas en la guitarra, bajo y batería, creo que esto es particularmente divertido .



  • Durante este tiempo Doom estuvo separado o en pausa como lo consideras ?

Fujita : DOOM podrá no haber estado activo pero jamas nos separamos . Nosotros siempre tuvimos contacto con el otro .


10) Qué podrías contarnos a nosotros acerca de Quatergate ? quienes fueron los miembros , bajo que sello trabajaban ? periodo de actividad ?

Fujita : Miembros son Baki desde Gastunk y Doom .

Nosotros lanzamos un Cd desde 「Alzheimer」 Sello independiente, estuvimos activos por 2 años .

– Qué nos podrías contar acerca de Unit 3 ? quienes fueron los miembros , bajo que sello trabajaban ? periodo de actividad ?

Fujita :  Esto estuvo activo por el 1980-82 o 83 antes de que Doom iniciara actividades .
Nosotros no dejamos el origen de nuestro sonido . Eramos como rock Avant garde como The Stooges o Mc5

– En qué años trabajaste con Mad capsule market ?

Fujita : Participe en la grabación del album 「PARK」y como invitado en 「4 PLUGS」 Creo que el periodo de grabación fue entre 1994-1997 o 1998 .

– Cómo llegaste a ser miembro de la banda de J ( Luna sea ) , sigues todavía trabajado con el ?

Fujita : El me respeta desde que el me vio en actividades con Mad Capsule markets y SOFT BALLET .

Yo estoy tocando con el en la banda 「Dessert Flame Frequency」.



– Cómo llegaste a ser miembro de Blam honey ? Llegaste a tocar en vivo con ellos ?

Fujita : No fui miembro de Blam Honey , Yo produje sus album y participe pocas veces con ellos en sus presentaciones .

– Tienes recuerdos buenos con Blam Honey ? Te enteraste de la muerte de Tatsuya ?

Fujita : Hay una buena cantidad de recuerdos durante la producción del album y el tiempo que compartimos . Cuando Tatsuya murió la Manager nos informo tan pronto como paso el hecho .

  • Sabes que Blam Honey volvió ? has vuelto a tener contacto con Ryonai ?

Fujita : No estaba al tanto . No tengo ningún contacto con ellos .

-Qué consideras que hizo Doom que ninguna otra banda de Metal japones logro ? Que piensas de los Skull Smash ?

Fujita : No creo eso . Yo quiero tocar canciones favoritas , dejar el trabajo y tocar conciertos . Es genial que exista un tributo a Doom .


– Cómo se genero la idea del regreso de Doom ? se había pensado antes del Yoko fest ? o Después del Yoko fest les gusto volver a los escenarios ?

Fujita :

En estos 5,6 años , Había muchas posibilidades para reiniciar la banda de Doom. Después paramos nuestras actividades  .Me enfrenté a que muchos de mis amigos de bandas fallecieron , que me hicieron pensar poco a poco yo debería hacer lo que puedo hacer en mi vida. Y decidí que ahora se debía hacer .



– Quiénes componen el actual Line up de Doom ? Cómo sienten al tener a un fan de la banda como lo es el Bajista de Skull Smash ves el espíritu de Morota en el ?

Fujita :  Nosotros consistimos en 3 personas FUJITA(Guitar/Vocal)、PAZZ(Drums)、Kodaira(Bass) nosotros nos buscamos al mismo Morota esperamos de Kodaira su espíritu como Bajista .

  • Sabes algo sobre Chile? si es así alguna banda Chilena o de SudAmerica que te guste?

Fujita : Yo conozco a Sepultura .

– De la nueva generación de bandas, cuáles son de tu agrado ?

Fujita :Cada vez que pienso sobre términos de las tendencias musicales sobre los 10 años

Oigo nuevas bandas , pero, no siento nueva creatividad de parte de ellos .

– Cuáles serán los planes para este 2015?

Fujita :

Para lo que queda de este año terminar las grabaciones en el verano , tenemos previsto sacar un nuevo disco el año que viene . En el otoño reanudaremos actividades en vivo .


– Muchas Gracias por la entrevista, qué le dirías a los Fans de Doom en Sud America y el Mundo?

Fujita : Una entrevista desde Chile muy lejos la verdad , Yo estoy agradecido y feliz . Desde ahora las actividades de DOOM no serán solo en Japón espero pienso que esto es lo mejor . Uno para todos , Nosotros somos un real uno .





Interview with Doom (Uk) Louder anti fascism always

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on agosto 7, 2015 by lavieenrosenfeld



1) Thank you for answer this interview to us. What it feel being interview by a Chilean magazine?

Stick : No real difference from any other as most interviews are conducted over the internet, which is faster but is a string of answers but not really in depth as the interviewer doesnt get to expand on our answers.
It’s also quite rare for chillian zines to get in touch & I’m gathering its because of our recent visit .


Scoot : firstly we want to pass on our thoughts to to those that lost their lives & were injured at the concert in Santiago 16th april so it is with a heavy heart whilst doing this interview & in all honesty i have been delaying the reply as i just don’t know how to convey my thoughts & feelings since what happened! until the tragedy i was so excited about the opportunity to play in chile, i thank you you for your interest in doom & offering us this interview.


2) How it born the project called Doom?


Stick : That is quite well documented.
It was in 1987 when i (stick) joined after finishing with my first band. I had to hassle Bri to let me join as he already asked another drummer. The line up was jon & Bri, who were school friends . Jon used to sing & play bass, but to free him up for just vocals, Pete from AGL was recruited on bass. When we started we had no asperations to travel the world or get rich, it was to have a «doss*» & play what he wanted to hear & have a chance to have our say in the punk world. It has not changed much to this day, just the world & us are a little older .

Scoot : Bri was the one who had the vision for doom & his love for swedesh punk & DISCHARGE back in the day inspired him, he wanted to take the sound of DISCARD etc & he created what is now known as DOOM.

3) What is the difference from doom and its predecessor THE SUBVERTERS? differences sound or message? everyone has to start somewhere & when you are young you have ideas & thoughts that develop, the sound was different but the politics & ideas were there at the beginning from what i understand!


Stick : Subverters was a schoolboy band, just gaining experience playing. They never got very far. I never saw them as i think they only played one gig at a youth centre.


Scoot : Everyone has to start somewhere & when you are young you have ideas & thoughts that develop, the sound was different but the politics & ideas were there at the beginning from what i understand! .


4) What do you think of the crust scene, both in England and in the world?

Stick : That is a big or very small question to answer. There are crust bands all over the world, each has its own characteristics. UK one I notice a lot of older faces in the UK audience.
, people who have done it since they wer e young (like us) That is also true of Europe, but I notice there is also a «new wave» of younger people, like a generation gap. Crust was not so popular here in the 90’s but it seems like the WWW has helped create more interest/ community. Before it was reliant on people sending letters to convey messages/music now it is instant & total .


Scoot :

Things change with time & evolve into slightly different things, my love was for the era back in the mid to late 80s it inspired me & showed me anyone could do it & be part of a community that was DIY. i loved the noise, the ethics, the cider, over the years & seeing the world & all of its different takes is interesting be it the music/noise/politics/fashion even?? i personally liked the use of punk & metal, especially played by punks & the sound that bands like AMEBIX & ANTISECT crafted & seeing bands like INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL (GERMANY)  Or KRANG (CHICAGO )   .How they are playing crust today! .

5) What`s are your favorite bands ?

Scoot : myself it’s DISCHARGE, KILLING JOKE, CRASS, MOTORHEAD  etc you get the idea!


Stick : I like a wide variety of bands/music & who is my «favorite» depends on how i am feeling. I am presently listening to Nazareth & SAHB as i am feeling nostalgic .


6): What is the origin of crust punk?

Stick : Crust punk grew out of the anarcho punk scene, influenced by some metal bands in the 80’s & a lack of personal hygine. It was centered around certain bands, who took their influences from «non crust bands» & played it how they wanted too. Bands like celtic frost & discharge were not crust bands but influenced a lot of the crust music early on. Now crust bands are influenced by crust music mainly (& this is what i find the difference of then & now)

Scoot :it was punks playing a hybrid of metal, like i said before bands like AMEBIX & ANTISECT,     , The Crass ethics o Flux of Pink INDIANS  , bands like HELLBASTARD  & DEVIATED INSTINCT , NAPALM DEATH  ,TWISTING SLAYER, HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST & BATHORY   into their music but with political & thought provoking lyrics, the power of DISCHARGE.


7) Under what record label are now?

Scoot : We are DIY & release on our own label BLACK CLOUD RECORDS!

Stick : We have our own label «Black cloud’ records we have spent many years being on other peoples labels & always seem to have had problems, so we decided to go totally DIY .

8) Talk to me about your time with PEACEVILLE RECORDS, which was the reason that you long for that label?

Stick : When we joined «Peaceville» it was one guy, Hammy doing a little DIY label with maybe 3 records out. it was ‘pay no more ‘releases. When Earache started to get big with napalm death, Hammy wanted to be like them, so that was when we stopped working with him .

Scoot :

At the time (back in 1988) it was a small DIY label run by a friend & there was no idea PEACEVILLE would become such a big label, so it was a chance for doom to be released on a compilation with some other similar like minded bands, then HAMMY offered DOOM a chance to do a full length recording & then a split with no security from sweden, in time peaceville became more of a corporate business & less of the DIY thing that doom was passionately involved in so it was time for DOOM to move on & carry on with labels with similer ethics.

9) Now let’s talk about Chile. what do you know about us? what do you think OF AUGUSTO PINOCHET?

STICK :Well we knew about PINOCHET & his regime & how our hated prime minister Thatcher was in defence of him but not much more about chillian society ( the media seem to like to only tell you the bad news).

Scoot :

In all honesty i knew very little of CHILE except the fact that THATCHER (the uk prime minister back in late 1970s-80s) was supporting PINOCHET & then being aware of his horrific crimes that it seems CHILE are still feeling the consequences of! to this day! i personally (before the tragedy outside the venue) met some wonderful people at the DOOM concert & when we arrived i liked the feel of SANTIAGO now i can’t see past the trouble that was caused.


10) What is your thought on politics and society we live in today? and if you compare with the 80 and 90?

Stick : Im not sure if you mean chile or the uk or the world? In a lot of ways its still the same, rich people stay rich & poor people stay poor & the media tells everyone its ok. Its a big question again & you could write a book about it. I think people can look out their window & see the world isnt perfect without me telling them .

Scoot :

I have many worries about society, i think that too much damage has been done already & now it’s all about damage limitation. it seems like things are becoming even more tribal, there’s too much corruption, people are becoming/have always been selfish & don’t think about the consequences of their actions until it is too late, the banks, the governments, the police etc. even certain areas of the PUNK scene, actually any scene where racism/fascism is creeping back in & some people openly admit it-so sad! so much frustration & anger but taking it out on the wrong people & not those in power that are responsible, GO AVALANCE THE GOVERNMENT NOT YOUR PUNK SCENE!!!!

11) Under what movement or social struggle are identified? veganism, socialism, anarchism? do you mean DOOM?


Stick : Sorry I dont really understand the question I’m a vegetarian with anarchist leanings if that helps.

12)  What mean Doom for you Stick ?


Stick : Doom has been a part of my life since 1987. Even when the band was in active, i still answered interviews & sorted out getting records released etc. It is my voice & my contribution to the punk scene, its a vehicle for me to have my say, a way to meet people around the world & try & create something positive inside a world I sometimes think is hell bent on self destruction.


13 ) What mean DOOM for you? what was the reason to use that name?what was the reason for that break in the early 90’s? and for that one (sadly for many of us) in 95?


Scoot : It’s short & to the point, bri thought of it & i think it was the power of the meaning of how doom can be interpeted! in 1990 bri moved to a different area in ENGLAND & left DOOM, they carried on a short while longer without him but stick didn’t like the way the music was going without BRI & it ended, the reformation was when doom had the chance to play in JAPAN in 1992 & BRI missed playing his guitar, doom didn’t split up in 1995 but the line up changed & eventually stopped in 2000, in 2005 DOOM started again until wayne sadly died of an epilepic seizure.

14)What was the legacy that WAYNE SOUTHWORTH left to the band?

Scoot :he was a dear friend & muched loved by many people because he was a funny, smart individual who was sincere.



Stick : Wayne left his legacy in the band with his lyrics & performances, but more importantly with us as people. He was my friend & would have been even without the band.


15)In you opinion, what’s the difference between the early doom and the DOOM of today?

Scoot : Musically i think it’s become less of a noise (it’s still noisey though) & more structured towards what doom always wanted to sound like, more aggressive & heavier & as we have grown older i think some of the lyrics are smarter, this is actually quite a hard question to answer! it moves with the times but still DISCHARGE inspired punk rock with thought provoking lyrics (i hope).


Stick : Age & experiences. We still pretty much believe in what we believed when we started. We still play music we want to hear & are still shouting for a better world.

16)What are your toughts about people who don’t share your ideals, but despite that they attend your shows? do you have some words for them?

Scoot : We are anti fascist & do not welcome anybody who is a RACIST, NAZI, SEXIST or out to rip anyone off! we believe in a community of sharing ideals & with hopefully like minded people, create & share ideas & working together to strengthen the scene & community we’ve been are part of for many years. NAZI PUNKS & anybody who tries to exploit or damage your own scene/community (you know who you are & you know what you are responsible for) fuck off! .


Stick : All of our words are for them. Certain bands lyrics changed my life. We are true to what we believe & if you don’t agree with certain stuff we can still get along, but if you re a Nazi, I cant see us being friends any time soon. What i would say is we are not just about the music, so don’t expect us not to try & influence you & don’t get upset because we do. There are plenty of bands out there with empty messages, feel free to support them .



17) Did you knoW What exist more bands with your name? if that exist, wich song have you heard?

Scoot :Yes there was a band from japan in the early 1990s called DOOM, there have been many bands playing doom covers, the earliest i remember was a greek band called FORGOTTEN PROPHECY they played war crimes-1990 i think?? a DOOM tribute compilation was released a few years ago on HELVETET RECORDS from PERU.


Stick : I know there was a japanese band that started about the same time but we never heard of them until later on after we had released a record

18) Do you think someday repeat your VHS VIDEODOOM or edit any video release?


Scoot :I don’t know really, lets see???? everyone has access to youtube these days.


Stick : I am trying to get a video made for the benefit gig(s0 we will do for the victims of the «avalanche» in Chile. Get a «professional» recording (but DIY) so we can raise money to help. We have other ideas to raise money too. The punk community is shocked by this event & i’m glad most people want to help & do the right thing (& fuck off & die those who are doing the wrong things).


19)What are your plans for this 2015?

Stick : Play gigs. Finish recording the new 7″ which will now be a benefit release on download for the chile victims of the avalanche. Personally I will be fitting out my boat to live on & working shit jobs to get money. How about you?


Scoot :  We recorded a new 7″ that we need to finish, we plan on playing a weekend benefit in september to try aid the families involved in the SANTIAGO tragedy, this is still very fresh in our minds & in all honesty has changed some things right now, even doing this interview is difficult because of what we found out after the CHILE concert got stopped. .

20)Thank you for your time and any message for your readers?

Scoot : Thank you for the questions, i don’t know what else to add, to all the sincere hard working people that make positive things happen in chile keep going you are needed more than ever now, look after each other! as i said previously our thoughts are with the familes & friends involved.

Stick : Thank you all the people who are helping to make things better.



